2025年全国100所名校高三单元测试示范卷 25·G3DY(新高考)·英语-WYB-必考-N 英语(1)1试题

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2025年全国100所名校高三单元测试示范卷 25·G3DY(新高考)·英语-WYB-必考-N 英语(1)1试题,2025全国100所名校答案网目前收集并整理关于2025年全国100所名校高三单元测试示范卷 25·G3DY(新高考)·英语-WYB-必考-N 英语(1)1试题的相关试卷和相关答案分析,完整的2025全国100所名校试卷答案请关注微信公众号:考不凡


Kids are often stressed and scared when they break a bone, but Luis Ruiz makes getting a cast(打石膏) fun at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. The doctor customizes(定制)casts of young 21 with drawings of their favorite cartoon characters, sports teams, and more.
About ten years ago, a little boy asked Ruiz to 22 a happy face on his cast. He told the boy, “You know what, I'm really not 23 at drawing. I'd rather not. I might mess it up.” The boy 24 to insist on a smiley face, so Ruiz agreed 25 . The little boy was 26 with the results.
“It lit him up!” Ruiz 27 . That moment of joy inspired Ruiz to offer cast drawings to all the 28 who came into the hospital with broken 29 . “I was not very good,” Ruiz says. “But as time 30 , little by little, I got better and better, to a point where now I can 31 do anything they ask for.”
Since that first smiley 32 , Ruiz has painted thousands of casts, and the best 33 , he says, is “bringing those smiles”.
“The kids just bring me 34 ,” Ruiz adds. “I'm kind of a fun guy and a little kid myself inside, and I 35 having fun and making kids smile, and they make me smile.”
21. A. actors B. patients C. doctors








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